19.1 Babysitter has never been convicted of any criminal offence at any time.
19.2 Babysitter has not been refused registration for nursery day care, childminding or any other childcare.
19.3 Babysitter has not been convicted of, investigated in relation to or committed any offences related to children.
19.4 No children have ever been removed from his/her care or prevented from living with him/her.
19.5 Babysitter has never been associated with any childcare facilities which has been in breach of childcare regulations.
19.6 Babysitter is aware of the Disqualification for Carers and Children Regulations 1991 and none of the circumstances set out in the regulations apply to the Babysitter;
19.7 Babysitter is in good health and does not suffer from any medical condition that could affect the safety of the children in the Babysitter’s care.