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Babysitters May Not:

6.1 Make any booking directly with an Employer.

6.2 Fail to keep an arranged booking.

6.3 Be accompanied by any unauthorised person at anytime during the booking.

6.4 Administer any medication to a child without the written instructions of the parents.

6.5 Smack, slap or in any way strike a child in their care at any time.

6.6 Leave the Employer’s home unattended at any time.

6.7 Go in rooms in the Employer’s home where there is no need.

6.8 Use any of the Employer’s electrical equipment unless they have been given permission to do so.

6.9 Use the Employer’s phone to make calls unless for the well being of the child.

6.10 Smoke, consume alcohol, or use any illegal substances while babysitting.